Gemstone Massage Roller - Green Aventurine 綠東陵


Oil Type

Energy of Power 能量之力:

Instant tension relief & soul with a sanctuary of calm. The "Crystal Gems" are dedicated to relieving stress, easing anxiousness & strengthening energy.

Green Aventurine  - “Stone of Opportunity” thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth.

綠東陵 - “機遇之石”被認為是所有水晶中最幸運的,特別是提升繁榮和財富方面。


Design of roller pressure point stimulation - keep gently massage & press into tense areas, use as frequently as desired.

Adding with “Essential Oils” is the natural remedies for relaxation and evoking your sense of pleasure.

Essential Oil Selection 精油選擇:

Ginger Lime (薑檸),Jasmine (茉莉),Lavender(薰衣草),Lemon (檸檬),Lemongrass (檸檬草),Ocean (海洋),Rose (玫瑰),Sandalwood (檀香), Tea Tree (茶樹)

